advocating for great agriculture policy

Agriculture is a vital component to the 18th District, and Thomas will make sure that our farmers have a voice in Lansing.  Farmers are out working when most people are still in bed in the morning and when people are watching TV in the evening.  It is essential to ensure that these hard-working Americans have all the resources they need to provide for the rest of us who use their goods on a daily basis.

During his time in Lansing, Thomas has supported numerous agricultural-related bills.  These include the creation of environmental panels that allow the agriculture industry to have a say in the regulations that affect their livelihood.  When Governor Whitmer tried to eliminate these panels, Thomas supported a resolution that successfully overturned her executive order.  Additionally, Thomas has supported reforms to water irrigation withdrawals and extending the Michigan Agricultural Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP).

Thomas is a strong supporter of the Michigan Right to Farm Act and the Michigan Agricultural Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP). In each of his 3 elections to the Michigan House of Representatives, he was endorsed by the Michigan Farm Bureau.